Stafford Township Biographies

David Delay was born February 9, 1826, in Guilford County, N. C., and is one of nine children born to Alexander and Rachael (Carroll) Delay, who settled in Lawrence County, Ind., in November, 1827, where they lived about six years. From there they came to Greene County locating in Stafford Township, where they have since lived. David Delay received his education, as he says, " on the wing" in the primitive schools of his first days. He was wedded to Mary Garrett on the 16th day of March, 1353, and nine children in all have been born to them, only three?Albert, Cora A.I., and Mollie B.?now living. Mr. Delay is a farmer and a success, now owning 200 acres of land where he lives, under a good state of cultivation. In 1882, Mr. Delay was the Republican candidate for County Treasurer, and has been Assessor of his township for several years. He is a Member of the Odd Fellows fraternity and belongs to the Encampment at Pleasantville. He also is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is one of the men of use to society and esteemed by all its members.

Josiah Ellis, an enterprising farmer of Stafford Township, was born in Sullivan County, Ind., October 27, 1844. He is one of twelve children of whom John W. and Sarah (Ching) Ellis are the parents. Our subject received a common school education, such as the advantages of his times and circumstances afforded. While a young man, he was engaged in the hotel business at Carlisle with his father, although his principal occupation has been farming, and that, since April. 1869, he has carried on in Greene County, where he now lives. On February 1, 1872, he was united in wedlock to Florence Beck, but on September 30 following, he was called upon to mourn her loss in death. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Pleasantville, Ind., and supports all laudable enterprises of his community. His farm consists of 170 acres of good land well cultivated and improved. He is the present Assessor of his township, and as a Democrat, is always interested in public affairs. An upright and hard working citizen, Mr. Ellis enjoys the high respect of all who know him.

John Fitzgerald,born September 22, 1848, in the City of New York, is one of two sons born to Martin and Agnes (Wilson) Fitzgerald. In 1850, with his parents, he settled in Warrick County, Ind., and lived there until 1871. when he came to Greene County, where he has since resided. He traces his descent from Lord Edward Fitzgerald, the famous Irish agitator of 1798. He received a good education from the high schools 9f his county and began teaching in Warrick County, which he continued in Greene County, teaching in all five terms. On September 5, 1875, he was united in matrimony to Sarah Hagaman, of Greene County, by whom he is the father of four children, only two of whom, Maud and Myrtle, are now living. During the years of 1873 and 1874, he read medicine with Dr. Aydelotte now at Worthington. After his marriage, he farmed until September, 1881, when he began doing a retail drug and grocery business at Marco, carrying a stock of goods worth about $2,000. Besides this, he carries on farming, and, taken all in all, is one of the enterprising citizens of Stafford Township.. He is a Democrat in politics, and a member of the I. 0. 0. F., and never fails to do his part to aid the charitable institutions of his neighborhood.

John French, a resident of Stafford Township, is a native of Orange County, Ind., where he was born May 24, 1848. He is one of a family of nine children born to James and Eliza (Allen) French, who moved to Knox County with their family in 1863. While in that county, John French learned the carpenter's trade, and worked at it until he came to Greene County in March, 1871. From his marriage with Louisa C. Douthit, of Sullivan County, which occurred January 7, 1872, three children have been born, named George K, Laura A. and Florence A. Soon after his marriage, he began farming on the place where he now lives, and in that occupation has been quite fortunate, as 120 acres in Greene and 80 acres in Knox County abundantly prove. About ninety acres are well improved and cultivated. He is a member of the Bethel Baptist Church where he resides, and his part is never wanting in matters of public charity His politics is Democratic, and as such was elected Trustee of his township and held that office two years, giving complete satisfaction. An industrious and upright citizen, he is eminently a self-made man.

William A. Harbin is one of eight children of James and Mary (McDonald) Harbin, and a native of Iredell County,: N. C., where ho was born July 26, 1831. Mr. Harbin is of Scotch origin. In 1846, he came to Sullivan County with his father's family, where they lived about four years, and whence they came to Greene County. On February 18, 1855, Miss Louisa Hinkle became his wife, and from their union seven children have been born, of whom Florence C , Emery D., John K., William C. and James C. are yet living. Mr. Harbin has been a farmer through life, and as such has been a success, now owning 330 acres of land, 270 of which are cleared and highly cultivated, making one of the finest farms in Stafford Township. He is a member of both the Subordinate Lodge and Encampment of I. 0. 0. F. at Pleasantville, and has been both Noble Grand and Chief Patriarch in that order. Besides this, he is an influential member in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a free giver to the needy institutions around him. Among his donations is one of $50 to Asbury University. More of such men is all our county needs to make it one of the best in Indiana.

William Hill, a native of Greene County, Incl., is the only child of John and Phoebe (Gallion) Hill, and was born in Richland Township September 2, 1828. He received a common school education from primitive schools of his day. On March 11, 1857, he was joined in wedlock to Donna M. Halstead, who has borne him a family of three sons, all living--John E., Winfield S. and Henry C. During most of his life, Mr. Hill has engaged in farming, and with good success, as is shown by a good farm of 200 acres in Stafford Township, well-improved and under a good state of cultivation and well stocked. He is a member of the Baptist Church near where he lives. A. Republican in politics, he has held several minor township offices, and usually donates freely to the charities of his community. He is one of the hard-working and progressive men of Greene County, who is appreciated by all his neighbors.

William Hunter, of Marco, Ind., a native of England, where he was born in Yorkshire July 17, 1844, is one of seven children of John and Elizabeth (Wardell) Hunter. With his father's family, he came to America in August. 1853, and settled in Pickaway County. Ohio, where they lived until 1861, when they came to Greene County, and have been in Stafford Township ever since. On October 3, 1880, he was married to Mrs. Drusilla (Jamison) Stafford, by whom he is the father of two children?William and Joseph Franklin. Mr. Hunter is a brick-mason by trade, but since September, 1876, he has been in the saw and flouring mill business, in partnership with his brother, at Marco, and is among the most flourishing millers in the county, and together they own 200 acres of land in Stafford Township, besides the mill and other property in Marco. He is a member of the Blue Lodge in Masonry, and one of the substantial men of Stafford Township. What he owns has been acquired by hard and earnest labor in Greene County, where he is duly appreciated by his neighbors and friends.

William A. Jackson, who is one of the well-to-do farmers of Stafford Township, Greene County, Ind., was born in Washington County, Ky., January 23, 1835. In the fall of 1839, he located with his father's family in Sullivan County. John T. and Mary (Pirtle) Jackson, his parents, were among the early settlers in that county where they reared a family of seven children. His school days were few, and spent in the log schoolhouses of that time. On January 3, 1858, he married Eliza McClung, and to them seven children have been born ?Nancy E., John W., Susanna P., Logan A., Hattie J., Minnie I. and Eliza M., all living In March, 1858, he settled in Greene County, where he lived in Stockton Township until 1867, when he located in Stafford, and has lived on the present farm ever since. He enlisted in Company I, Ninety-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry in July, 1862, and served in the late war until its close, when he received an honorable discharge June 9, 1865. The following are the principal battles in which he was engaged, as shown by his discharge: Vicksburg, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Dalton, Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Chattahoochie River, Decatur, Atlanta, Jondsboro, Lovejoy, Little River, Griswoldville, Savannah, Columbia, Bentonville and Raleigh. Mr. Jackson began doing for himself .without anything, and has been fortunate in gaining this world's goods, as his fine farm in Stafford Township abundantly testifies. On September 6, 1879, his wife died, and again the 7th of October, 1883, he married Miss Mary 0. Loudon, of Greene County, who is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Jackson belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Republican, and says he proposes to stand by the old party, whose principles he earnestly advocates in his community, where he is eminently esteemed.

Franklin P. Jarrell, merchant at Marco, Ind., is a native of Greene County, where he was born December 13, 1852, one of three children born to James and Elizabeth (Thomas) Jarrell, who were among the pioneers of Greene County. Frank, the subject of this sketch, received a common school education from the country schools of his county, and in early life followed farming for his mother, his father having died, leaving him at the age of nine years to her care. In September, 1870, he was married to Miss L. A. Wilson, who died in January, 1872. In February, 1874, he began doing a general merchandise business at Marco, and on September 17 of the same year, he was united in matrimony to Lucy A. Vickery, of Greene County, and to them have been born two children James 0. and Eugene P., only Eugene living. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F., at Pleasantville, Ind., and has been Noble Grand in that order. His politics is Democratic, and he always-takes active interest in public affairs, and in 1880 was candidate for State Representative, and was defeated by but a small majority. In May, 1883, he was admitted to the bar in the Greene Circuit Court, and has practiced more or less for ten years before the Justice of the Peace. He is doing a thriving trade at Marco, and is the leading merchant there, where he enjoys the confidence and high opinion of all its citizens.

Daniel W. Ray, of Marco, Ind., is a native of Shelby County, Ind., where he was born August 5, 1846. His parents, Jesse and M. (Allison) Ray, were among the pioneers of that county, and bore a family of eight children. Daniel W. Ray received a common school education, and afterward studied medicine with Dr. Platt, of Shelbyville, but this he abandoned for other business until 1860, when he began the study of telegraphy in the same town. On September 9 1870, he took charge of the railroad business at Marco, and since that time has filled that position. Miss Anna B. Ferguson, of Greene County, became his wife January 26, 1874, and by her he is the father of three children?Minnie B., Jesse 0. and Pearl, and all living but the first, For about one year, Mr. Ray was in the general merchandise business at Marco, Ind., in company with Mr. Isaac Weaver. For thirteen years, he has not missed a day from his office as agent of the Indianapolis & Vincennes Railroad, a record unsurpassed by any. He is a member of both the Subordinate Lodge and Encampment in the fraternity of Odd Fellows, in which order he has been Noble Grand. As a Democrat, he takes a lively interest in the politics of his community.

George W. Sims, deceased, was born in Franklin County, Ohio, December 6, 1840, and is one of thirteen children born to Elkana and Nancy (Ford) Sims. He acquired a common school education in his native county, and engaged in the grocery business at Groveport, Ohio, when a young man. His nuptials with Malinda J. Maddux, of Fayette County, Ohio, were celebrated September 22, 1861, and together they raised a family of four children?Tillie A., Asenath J., Nancy B. and Thomas E., all living but the last. Mr. Sims came to Indiana and settled in Grant County in April, 1862, where he lived until August, 1865; whence he came to Greene County, at Linton. Soon afterward, he settled in Stafford Township and followed mostly the business of farming, though at intervals was engaged in threshing. His political proclivities were Democratic, and he took great interest in public affairs, holding several township offices. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and his death, which occurred May 12, 1877, was cause for great regret among neighbors and friends. In his will, all the property was given to his wife, who still survives him and conducts the business of the farm in connection with a hotel at Marco, Ind., in all of which she is greatly successful.

Benjamin Stafford, the earliest settler now living in Stafford Township, was born in Jefferson County, Ky., May 31, 1809, and is the only one of eleven children now living born to Benjamin and Eva (Caress) Stafford. In 1818, Benjamin, the subject of this sketch, came to Greene County, although it was then a part of Sullivan County, with his brother Jesse. The following year, his father came to the same place, having entered land here the year before, and it was for him that Stafford Township was named. Mr. Stafford received but a limited education, such as the log schoolhouses of that primitive day afforded. On his birthday, 1832, his marriage with Martha Ball, of Greene County, was solemnized, and to their union five children were born, only one of whom, Berlin, is now living. In 1844, his wife Martha died, and again in October, 1846, he was married to Nancy A. Page, by whom he is the father *f eight children, but five now living, named Martha A., Noah, Amanda, Presley and Henry. Mr. Stafford has been a most successful farmer all his life, and he now owns 260 acres of well-improved farming land. Of late years, he has paid much attention to raising stock, and during the war engaged in raising mules. He is a Democrat in politics, and has held the office of Trustee with the best of satisfaction. As a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, he is foremost in aiding the benevolent causes in his community, with both his influence and means. Throughout his life, he has been an industrious and upright citizen, and enjoys the high regard of all who know him, and now as life's sun goes slowly down, he reposes in the calm contentment that no cloud obscures its setting.